Our area of competence - issues related to the formation of beliefs and value systems of a person, identifying his vocation and purpose, taking into account the psychotype, which, in turn, determine the character and destiny of a person
It is a living portal, where the process of personal formation, directed and constant, is always aimed at learning and exploring the unknown.
Techniques and methodologies leading to a qualitative change in personality
school of mentoring and development
global online platform
Know yourself
school of mentoring and development
Know yourself
Techniques and methodologies leading to a qualitative change in personality
global online platform
Our area of competence - issues related to the formation of beliefs and value systems of a person, identifying his vocation and purpose, taking into account the psychotype, which, in turn, determine the character and destiny of a person
It is a living portal, where the process of personal formation, directed and constant, is always aimed at learning and exploring the unknown.
Mentor is an ideology, a calling and a mission
The goal is always the same - to reach a state of awareness, no matter what age you are. A model where you write the roadmap of destiny yourself.

Follow our recommendations and anything you desire will be fulfilled
We don't offer technology, but the opportunities it provides, where the payback will exceed your greatest expectations.
We are not just training you, we are leading you to results.
We form beliefs and value systems on the basis of scientific evidence about the created world.
Your level of competence depends on the permanence of the chosen path, on your essence, because it is this essence that provides a deep understanding of the subject.

Depending on how demanding you are of yourself, changes in you will manifest.

Unification and unity of like-minded people, based on beliefs and value systems, lead students to the boundless realms of fundamental truths in 100% of cases, help them to find their vocation and become many times more effective in their actions, all thanks to the applied knowledge acquired from us
The aim of study is to prepare yourself to face the real world.
The help and presence of a mentor is necessary for everyone who needs a guiding star. The role of a mentor will help not only to take a responsible approach to the process of education, formation of habits and skills that will help to preserve and increase health, to choose goals and achieve them, but also to develop yourself, to find your calling, to identify your strengths, to free your head from unnecessary information and your body from bad habits.
This knowledge can also be monetized.
We all came from childhood and, in a sense, we are all just grown up kids
Any change in your child is the result of realizing the importance of your involvement in your child's personality formation.
Adjusted and structured approach to self-organization, improvements in memory, attention, intelligence, performance, stress tolerance, high level of self-knowledge and self-discipline.
You will get the opportunity to know yourself at the very beginning of your training, allowing you to be a holistic, fulfilled and happy person without comparing, contrasting or competing.
What you and your child will get as a result?
Figuring out your destiny and finding your calling is a task that many people fail to accomplish during their lifetime.
Figuring out your destiny and finding your calling is a task that many people fail to accomplish during their lifetime.
What you and your child
will get as a result?
You will get the opportunity to know yourself at the very beginning of your training, allowing you to be a holistic, fulfilled and happy person without comparing, contrasting or competing.
Adjusted and structured approach to self-organization, improvements in memory, attention, intelligence, performance, stress tolerance, high level of self-knowledge and self-discipline.
Any change in your child is the result of realizing the importance of your involvement in your child's personality formation.
The system of values is a behavioral charter, the dictatorship of a behavioral module. This module can be maintained only by performing ritual actions that constantly remind of the principles of life values and life stances.
Your beliefs and value system will always protect you from outside influences. You will acquire a well-trained, strengthened and stable mind. If you bring your mind to a certain level of discipline, it will in turn control the world around you.
Human beliefs are shaped by unchangeable, fundamental, evident truths. Which is the theory of the created world and the interconnection of everything with everything. With such beliefs you will not get lost on your way and will feel your mission, where your role is determined from the beginning and this role is that of a human being - a representative of human civilization.
Beliefs and value system is the boundary of permissible, the charter of behavioral norms
Beliefs and value system is the boundary of permissible, the charter of behavioral norms
Human beliefs are shaped by unchangeable, fundamental, evident truths. Which is the theory of the created world and the interconnection of everything with everything. With such beliefs you will not get lost on your way and will feel your mission, where your role is determined from the beginning and this role is that of a human being - a representative of human civilization.
Your beliefs and value system will always protect you from outside influences. You will acquire a well-trained, strengthened and stable mind. If you bring your mind to a certain level of discipline, it will in turn control the world around you.
The system of values is a behavioral charter, the dictatorship of a behavioral module. This module can be maintained only by performing ritual actions that constantly remind of the principles of life values and life stances.
The favorable ground creates conditions for the evolution of mind, a methodology worked out to automatism to achieve any goal, in which the “patient” recovers, regardless of whether he understands the processes that lead to healing or not.
There is an opinion that more than 80% of the knowledge acquired in school is not applied in life.
We twist this statement.
We should use the time for applied education, focusing on transforming the necessary basic and primary skills that help improve the quality of life.
We are incomplete beings. We are given so much, but we use it so poorly. Accordingly, our improvement, even by a little, will open up new worlds, surprising and delighting us with their multiple bright colors.

Your impact on the world is determined by your very presence.

When you know what you are looking for, your attention is directed to the goal, in this case your energy will be spent on the realization of what you have planned and then you will have enough time left to achieve the result.
We propose to apply, methods and techniques developed in practice, which lead to the results of a qualitative change of personality, confirmed by feedback
First and foremost, it is important to realize that we have to be not only a parent to our child, but also a mentor to significantly influence the development of our children
Curiosity is the progenitor of attention
Attention is a concentration skill
The meaning of life is not about finding yourself, but about creating yourself.
The system of values, on which the principles of life are based, is essentially a technology of survival.
The meaning of life is not about finding yourself, but about creating yourself.
The system of values, on which the principles of life are based, is essentially a technology of survival.
Curiosity is the progenitor of attention
Attention is a concentration skill

First and foremost, it is important to realize that we have to be not only a parent to our child, but also a mentor to significantly influence the development of our children
We propose to apply, methods and techniques developed in practice, which lead to the results of a qualitative change of personality, confirmed by feedback
When you know what you are looking for, your attention is directed to the goal, in this case your energy will be spent on the realization of what you have planned and then you will have enough time left to achieve the result.
video lessons
Why it is so important to find your destiny, your calling?
Since there is no single activity that is more important or more honorable than others, it is necessary to achieve excellence and expertise in your sphere of activity. It is only when you are involved enough that you will be able to notice the unified connection of everything with everything else, where every detail complements the whole.
your private space
transformation portal
If I won't win, then I won't lose, because I won't enter a struggle imposed by others, because my life is a struggle and my attention is occupied by it, because I have been struggling since the day I was born, because my struggle is not with people, but with myself. Initially for survival, and now for the sake of beliefs and value systems that guide me to the light, and in such a struggle even physical death is not a defeat.
I am in a state in which I am always in motion, in action and always in first place, because in this struggle of life,
the only participant is me.
“Discipline is not a restriction of liberty, it is the removal of all unnecessary things”
Quote: Bruce Lee

A disciplined person is goal-oriented, strong-willed, and able to manage his or her time and potential wisely.
Ascesis is a self-given promise, where intentions and promises are witnessed by an uncompromising universe, with the law of cause and effect working seamlessly.

Learn the art of small steps, where effects are accumulated and become results
Bad habits
You do not acquire them, they are instilled in you!
The essence of instilling bad habits is to prevent a person from becoming a reasonable person. If people realize their resources and possibilities, if they understand the full potential of a reasonable person, then they can become free people with free will.
Single, but not alone
The desire to conform to standards that are temporary, averaged norms accepted in society and admitted for the initial data for comparison is a grave mistake.
You no longer need the approval of society, which the vast majority of people strive for.
You are free from the shackles of social evaluation.
Friendly informal relationships are dangerous. They lead to ambiguity, misunderstanding, conflicts and always end badly, while formal relationships are as pure as spring water. In formal relationships there is a place for rituals, and if there are rituals, there is order.
You will be able to know yourself from the beginning of your training, allowing you to be a whole, fulfilled and happy person without comparing, contrasting and competing with others.
Figuring out your destiny and finding your calling is a task that many people fail to accomplish during their lives.
There are so many people who don't realize their own capacity and potential. To overcome these limitations, you need to discover the possibilities within yourself.
I'm just setting the stage, and you're the one flapping your wings.
I'm just setting the stage, and you're the one flapping your wings.
There are so many people who don't realize their own capacity and potential. To overcome these limitations, you need to discover the possibilities within yourself.
Figuring out your destiny and finding your calling is a task that many people fail to accomplish during their lives.
You will be able to know yourself from the beginning of your training, allowing you to be a whole, fulfilled and happy person without comparing, contrasting and competing with others.
«To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour»
By William Blake
Invitation to the intensive...
Application for participation will be accepted from students only after they have completed the three-month course.
Payment is the evidence of the intention to participate in the Intensive.
Event schedule
Idea candidates are selected into the management hierarchy after completing a three-month course that will open up a wide range of remote work opportunities in an international company with a high income.
There are two ways to take over the world: either to conquer it, or to accept it, to join it, as a part of yourself.
Our sphere of competence - issues related to the formation of beliefs and value systems of a person, identification of his/her calling and mission, taking into account the psychotype, which, in turn, creates the character and destiny of a person
Advantageous and effective for the family. One course for the whole family!
Your investment will pay off hundreds of times over
Types of education
Feedback monitoring every 3 months
During the year there are 60 days of vacation

Instead of you and for you, no one will ever be able to influence the creation of a new and improved person who meets your expectations.
It won't be easy, but it is worth it.
1 year - 1800 $
6 months - 900 $
1 month - 200 $
1 day - 10 $
A year from now, you will be grateful that you have started today.
One year of training will give you the status of mentor, the opportunity to lead your mentees to guaranteed results in any field of search and the opportunity to earn money doing interesting work, with the possibility of constant spiritual and financial growth.
You will define your beliefs, value systems, and mission in life and will be able to develop professional skills while practicing them.
Classes of up to 6 months will strengthen your knowledge, you will form a stable understanding of your beliefs and value systems. you will have a clear understanding of your calling and destiny, you will determine your mission in life.
You choose the direction of your calling and put up stories that can be sold as a guide and example.
Familiarization with the principles of the universe and getting to know yourself.
Everything begins with the principle of small steps. The realization of the need to manage your life comes with the understanding that your future fate depends on your decisions and the intensity of your participation. Otherwise it is deadly dangerous. The joy and pleasure that you will experience from the daily results cannot be compared to anything. It is like driving a car, when the real pleasure comes after understanding the principles of the functioning of the car.
It is advisable and recommended that you set up your daily routine, taking into account your current plans.
The day begins with wake-up and hygiene.
The attitude to everything should be brought to the level of ceremonial consciousness, without losing sight of the details.
Remember, we are there to support you, but you make your own destiny.
A mandatory condition for participation in the project is a self-presentation with a video recording via the transformation portal, where we can trace the results of growth.
During the first month we form new habits of conscious life.
preferably, it is recommended that someone from the inner circle be brought in to track the daily routines. Through the process, they themselves will become more disciplined and will only benefit from it.
familiarization with the online portal capabilities,
submission of a personal account
A online portal where all 100% of students will earn, provided they complete the full course of study
To compare and contrast the obvious difference in the result of your changes on the physical and spiritual level before and after you will need at least 3 months.
At this stage you have already formed stable habits, you already can see changes in your physical body and expand the horizons of consciousness, due to the knowledge of the unity of opposites, the theory of the created world and the connection of everything with everyone. This knowledge can be gained through breathing practice - vipassana, morning walking - 1000 steps, grateful prayer to the creator and observation of the laws of unity and the connection of everything with everyone.
We will be doing this practice with you in seven-day video trainings that will take place by the end of the third week of the third month (trainings will be conducted by the founder).
3 months - 600 $
A online portal where all 100% of students will earn, provided they complete the full course of study
Our sphere of competence - issues related to the formation of beliefs and value systems of a person, identification of his/her calling and mission, taking into account the psychotype, which, in turn, creates the character and destiny of a person
Types of education
Feedback monitoring every 3 months
During the year there are 60 days of vacation

Instead of you and for you, no one will ever be able to influence the creation of a new and improved person who meets your expectations.
It won't be easy, but it is worth it.
Advantageous and effective for the family. One course for the whole family!
Idea candidates are selected into the management hierarchy after completing a three-month course that will open up a wide range of remote work opportunities in an international company with a high income.
1 day - 10 $
familiarization with the online portal capabilities,
submission of a personal account
1 month - 200 $
1 month - 20 000 rubles.
Familiarization with the principles of the universe and getting to know yourself.
Everything begins with the principle of small steps. The realization of the need to manage your life comes with the understanding that your future fate depends on your decisions and the intensity of your participation. Otherwise it is deadly dangerous. The joy and pleasure that you will experience from the daily results cannot be compared to anything. It is like driving a car, when the real pleasure comes after understanding the principles of the functioning of the car.
It is advisable and recommended that you set up your daily routine, taking into account your current plans.
The day begins with wake-up and hygiene.
The attitude to everything should be brought to the level of ceremonial consciousness, without losing sight of the details.
Remember, we are there to support you, but you make your own destiny.
A mandatory condition for participation in the project is a self-presentation with a video recording via the transformation portal, where we can trace the results of growth.
During the first month we form new habits of conscious life.
preferably, it is recommended that someone from the inner circle be brought in to track the daily routines. Through the process, they themselves will become more disciplined and will only benefit from it.
3 months - 600 $
To compare and contrast the obvious difference in the result of your changes on the physical and spiritual level before and after you will need at least 3 months.
At this stage you have already formed stable habits, you already can see changes in your physical body and expand the horizons of consciousness, due to the knowledge of the unity of opposites, the theory of the created world and the connection of everything with everyone. This knowledge can be gained through breathing practice - vipassana, morning walking - 1000 steps, grateful prayer to the creator and observation of the laws of unity and the connection of everything with everyone.
We will be doing this practice with you in seven-day video trainings that will take place by the end of the third week of the third month (trainings will be conducted by the founder).
6 months - 900 $
Classes of up to 6 months will strengthen your knowledge, you will form a stable understanding of your beliefs and value systems. you will have a clear understanding of your calling and destiny, you will determine your mission in life.
You choose the direction of your calling and put up stories that can be sold as a guide and example.
1 year - 1800 $
A year from now, you will be grateful that you have started today.

One year of training will give you the status of mentor, the opportunity to lead your mentees to guaranteed results in any field of search and the opportunity to earn money doing interesting work, with the possibility of constant spiritual and financial growth.
You will define your beliefs, value systems, and mission in life and will be able to develop professional skills while practicing them.
Your investment will pay off hundreds of times over
There are two ways to take over the world: either to conquer it, or to accept it, to join it, as a part of yourself.
Our partners
mood song :)